Set up Composer auth credentials for the Magento Marketplace

Before installing new modules from the marketplace, you must set up Composer authentication credentials.

Magento doesn’t use Packagist, which is PHP’s default service that provides you with the ability to download Composer packages or modules. Instead, Adobe uses their own servers to supply the Magento software packages.

On top of this, they require you to be authenticated in order to download these assets.

Let’s go to and log in using Adobes authentication. If you don’t already have an account, go ahead and create one.

After you log in, you should be on this My Account page. Go ahead and click the Marketplace tab. Then, go to your name at the top left of the screen and click My Profile. Then, under My Products go ahead and click Access Keys.

This is where we will generate our Composer authentication keys. Click Create a New Access Key. In this input box, just pick any arbitrary name. I’ll name my keys “mark”.

Your public and private keys will then be generated. Now, we need to get these keys set within our Composer installation.

We can do this by typing:

composer global config PUBLIC_KEY PRIVATE_KEY

We can confirm this by checkout out the file at ~/.composer/auth.json

Can also edit this file manually in future if we wish!

You’ll now be able to download Magento assets, anything from the full install of Magento to modules on the Marketplace.

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