Create the initial module

Setting Up the Module Directory

To get started with this course, our first step is creating a module. We will create a standard Magento module that will contain all of the code we'll be experimenting with along the way. Assuming you are familiar with Magento 2, you'll know that all of our local development will go in the app/code directory.

Let's go ahead and create a directory underneath app/code named Macademy. We'll create a subdirectory under that named JsFun.

Creating the Registration File

In the JsFun directory, create a new registration.php file. This will let Magento know about our module on the PHP level. If you are taking this course, you should already be familiar with creating modules and classes, so we'll assume that you know all this.

Next, we'll name our module Macademy_JsFun using the special string syntax. Save this file and proceed to the next step.

Creating the Module Configuration File

Create another file at etc/module.xml. Here, we'll set up our boilerplate for our module using the Macademy_JsFun string syntax. Save the file, and that's about all we need to set up our module.

Enabling the Module

Open up the terminal and enable our module by typing:

bin/magento module:enable Macademy_JsFun

This will take a moment, but eventually, our module will be enabled. We also need to flush the cache because we created some XML files and Magento caches these pretty heavily. Run the following command:

bin/magento cache:flush

This will take a second. When it's complete, we can check the status of our module by typing:

bin/magento module:status

After running this command, scroll up and see our module is in the list. This tells us our module is enabled and activated, and we'll be ready to start development.

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