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Set Up a Magento 2 Development Environment with Docker
Quick hi & welcome from Mark!
About the course format
Initial Project Setup
Install Docker Desktop & configure preferences
Set up Magento with the automated onelinesetup script
Set up Magento manually from a custom Git branch
Set up Docker for an existing Magento project
The Basics of docker-magento
Execute docker-magento helper scripts
Start, stop, restart and check container status
Execute bin/magento and composer within Docker containers
Install Magento sample data
Docker Filesystem & Data Volumes
Understand Docker volumes & host bind mounts
Manage files & folders within Docker containers
Set up a docker-magento project in PhpStorm
Set up the Magento PhpStorm plugin
Code Quality Tools
Configure PHPCS (PHP CodeSniffer) for Magento
Configure PHPCSF (PHP CodeSniffer Fixer) for Magento
Configure PHPMD (PHP Mess Detector) for Magento
Install the Xdebug helper browser plugin for Chrome & PhpStorm
Enable disable check the status of Xdebug
Configure PhpStorm for Xdebug connections
Trigger an Xdebug breakpoint in PhpStorm
Trigger an Xdebug breakpoint for CLI commands in PhpStorm
Customize Server Configurations
Understand the docker-compose application structure
Increase the PHP memory limit in php.ini
Increase the Nginx request timeout in nginx.conf
Increase the MySQL buffer pool size with command or in my.cnf
Install a new PHP extension by building a custom Docker image
Configure multi-store instances in Docker with Nginx
What is Grunt?
Install & Configure Grunt
Grunt commands in Magento
Grunt with LiveReload
Wrap up & recommendations for other lessons
Increase the PHP memory limit in php.ini
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